Objects Of Desire, Group Show at Naranjo 141 in Mexico City
Nov 16th – Jan 19th

Eileen Feng
Danielle De Jesus
Rachel Marisa LaBine
Taylor Lee
Sofia Lucarelli
Lizzy Lunday
Zahra Mansoor
Lea Mugnaini
Diana Sinclair
Georgina Stone
Caroline Zhang

November 16, 2024 - January 12, 2025
Opening reception: November 16, 2024, 11am-4pm

NARANJO 141 is pleased to present Objects of Desire, a group exhibition bringing together eleven woman
artists, Eileen Feng, Danielle De Jesus, Rachel Marisa LaBine, Taylor Lee, Sofia Lucarelli, Lizzy Lunday, Zahra
Mansoor, Lea Mugnaini, Diana Sinclair, Georgina Stone, and Caroline Zhang, drawing on the themes of identity
and desire.

In a consumerist society that seeks to monetize our deepest impulses, the word desire can bring to mind only
the illusory. Everyday, we scroll through images edited to exploit our insecurities, browse store shelves stocked
with products that play on our fetishes, and pass by or project a patriarchal gaze that regards human beings as
possessions. But desire can also be a form of yearning, an intuition for what is possible that can sustain us in the
face of uncertainty and alienation. Often, the things that attract us most can’t be pointed to, touched, or referred
to by name— sometimes, a gesture of kinship between solitary souls, an act of joyful defiance in the face of
discrimination, or a fleeting glimpse of the natural world under light can etch itself on our memory as tangibly as
any physical thing. Objects of Desire presents eleven woman artists whose work contends with desire in all its
contradictions and complexity, teasing out a portrait of longing drawn from a breadth of countries and
continents. On canvas, currency, and cloth, in copper, cyanotype, and in the round, the works in Objects of
Desire find a visual language that captures the paralysis, poignancy, and personhood that can emerge from the
things that captivate us most.
Text by Ben Adams-Keane

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